Thursday, April 2, 2009

He should have crossed on the other side of the street.

A friend of mine once told me what was possibly one of the most romantic modern day stories i had ever heard. It was about two people finally finding each other in a congested world after almost ten years of not seeing each other. The unfortunate part is that however beautiful their meeting was the story turned sour and my friend ended up with slight bruises on her legs and bigger bruises on her heart. Not that she had not tried - she did, but sometimes the romantic story does not really belong to the story teller. and this is how the story went.

It was an average day (if the ever was a thing) Frieda (my friends name) was going about her not so daily duties of going to the bank. Not so daily because Frieda hated the bank and also because since she is an artist her ass was always broke... not just broke but BROKE!!! Ok you get the point... moving on swiftly. Frieda was walking in the heat, plus she was not particularly impressed by the way her April afternoon was turning out. Cash flow troubles, boring 9-5 job and the looming aftertaste of a very dramatic breakup. Oh if only things were easier on this akward young lady.

As Frieda was crossing the street at the corner of Wale and Long street in Cape Town she felt a hand grab her arm, she looked up and there, right there was someone she may have known, but was not sure if she knew them then. The first guess in her head was ... party then no and then it was Mojito's then no... aaah my dear brother Antonio's friend ... that has to be it. Alas our dear Frieda was wrong again. This was Kelvin, kelvin who she had gone to high school with for a year when she was between schools (Frieda was as naughty as Junior from problem child). Ok Back to Kelvin, there he was smiling at her - she wanted to laugh he had a crouqet smile similar to the one she imagines herself to have (she has a pretty wild imagination if you ask me). So, there it was the first time she had seen Kelvin in 9 years. Like normal people do they exchanged numbers and since it was a Friday they decided that maybe drinks would be a great idea.

Although the converstion during the drings evades Frieda this she does remember: Kelvin thought she was sexy and after her dramatic breakup anyone who thought that got ten points. They drank, thay talked and well Frieda watched him hit on a girl half his age... ok not really just much younger than him. Later that night she was so intoxicated she would never be able to make her way home so there she was passed out in his hotel room. Later he snuck in next to her, she said no and this was the way it went for the next couple of times he decided to show face in her city.

Later that year Frieda had a breakdown, her first of many to come, but by far the worst. Frieda stopped her car on the Highway and told friends that she loved and hated to get the fuck out of her car because for once Frieda realised that she was lost and she could not stand the people around her. She needed and wanted so much more. The had to be more to life than the meaningless emptiness of going to work, then drinking, then going to a party, then that all over again. The had to be a meaning to all this, the had to be more ... where was this all going. "Get out all of you! And I never want to see you again!" Frieda got on the first flight to Johannesburg because she knew she had to see Kelvin, somehow ( she could be wrong) she felt that the answer was with him.

Frieda arrived in Johannesburg and Kelvins best freind Matt was there to meet her. She was told that Kelvin was away it was his girlfriends birthday. "Girlfriend Frieda was a bit confused Kelvin was the one who encouraged her to come. Frieda stayed the weekend and had a great time with new faces but the repitition of deeds felt the same empty and lonely and then from nowhere Kelvin returned. Not like a night in shining armour more like an akward kid who knew they were about to steal the cookies.

As the story goes Frieda and Kelvin got together and for a while they were happy. But one day Kelvin came to visit Frieda and she realised that he was still stuck in his past. It turned out that Kelvin was not too happy with Friedas friends either... he found fault with everysingle male friend, then it was the girl friends and when Frieda finnally moved to his City her lonileness loomed over her more than ever.

Kelvin was nowhere to be found, never answered her calls, didnt even bother with her at all. Unless it was one of those days that he woke up and felt like seeing her which was rare. He would blatantly without any remorse tell her i do not want to see you. Then to top things off Kelvin asked Frieda, if he could stay with her for a month when he was waiting for his new apartment to be ready for him. He never showed up and spent his two weeks at his ex Girlfriends place. Frieda was devastated. She tried to call, she even begged and in a her lonliness she decided that alone was better than the betrayal that she felt.

Kelvin came back and begged her to stay, he begged so much that Frieda took him back introduced him to her parents at christmas and then on New year's Eve Klevin gave Frieda that greatest surprise she had ever gotten... let's put the surprise into context. Kelvin was moving into his new place and Frieda as the girlfriend really wanted to help, but Kelvin shut Frieda out and made his ex help instead. Frieda came by that evening all merry from the season babling on and talking as she pleased and Kelvin snapped and dragged her around his brand new apartment. Of course to Kelvin it was Frieda's fault and Frieda was a Drunk!

Time passed and things happend, Frieda began to die inside - she was not allowed to say anything that would piss Klevin off no matter how hurt or angry she was. She was not allowed to metion the fact that Kelvin was driving his exes car, or that he was unreliable and told her stories that were the furthest thing from the truth. According to Kelvin, Frieda was cheating and she wass the empty liar. Frieda (weakling...) knew that everytime he said these things he referd to himself but god knows why she never walked out on him.

One day, on her birthday weekend she went out for lunch with Kelvin and if satan had not moved through him that day then Frieda would surely never know what evil truly is. He told her that he had cheated on her and it was her fault (at this point our curly haired lady was praying for strength) He continued to rip her character apart and tell her about people that are better than her. She cried and screamed ( she was snapping again she had visions of killing him). But obviously he had more Vivid visions of killing Frieda. My friend Frieda never made it to work the next day. My friend Frieda died that day. Kelvin killed Frieda.

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