Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Me thinks Love

When time passes me by, I stare into space and faces haunt me like ghosts dead and back for revenge, I remember a time when I was everyone and everyone was me - the world was mine and I was property of the world. It’s hard belonging to myself for once. I am emotional, for some reason I live for these days when I don’t feel special, I await the moment of waking, a screaming in me can’t let me live like this. These days prove how strong I am and how much the dream, no, the hope grows in me. They all say that hope is dangerous – it never tells you when to stop, but what happens when hope has stopped and you need it to continue, because hope is what keeps us alive. How long will it be till the dream is real, how long will it be till I feel my heart at rest? Time will pass by even before we can utter each other’s names. Searching through my recent memories faces escape me, feeling remains and a brief smell your cologne – nauseating. Love making me dizzy, filling the empty spaces I live with, I fall off the merry go round… this dream may be too happy for who I am. I walk away, no run away… I don’t want you to make me happy, I want to hope for a better me. What happens when the dream happens, then what ? I don’t want to live after the dream; I want to live the dream. Hoping, keep hope alive, I hope it’s here, I hope he is here.

Love where are you?

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