Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The toilet was my headboard

Ok, so what a day right? I mean a lot has been happening in the rainbow nation – I mean with Juju Malema calling people Satanists and not deserving to be wives and Winnie dishing it out on the Diba and Deputy Jesus Tutu the cretin (in my arrogant opinion finally saying what I have suspected and said all this time) to young popstar (? Is that right he is a popstar right?) Molemo Jub jub(got his name in the papers) and his cronies mowing down a few starry eyed, young and hopeful bystanders. What they hope for I cannot be sure, but we all have dreams and I can bet my left toe those kids had big dreams and plans… in fact I can bet they were all planning to get home and make a sandwich and wonder about that girl or guy they like, look at the homework they may love or hate, they may have even been planning to pick a fight with their siblings, because they wanted the remote. Whatever it was they had short term and long term plans, but we all know that he who giveth also taketh away – but he clearly uses us dumb party animals that think life is about having fun to prove a very sad point.

I bet when the cars started swerving and heading towards human lives Jub Jub and unknown buddy sobered the hell up. Who wouldn’t? I sobered the minute I realized that I would have to answer for the five lives in my car. I mean all we had was a little Champaign that is a little Champaign all weekend. I bet Jub Jub also had a little beer here and there and a few lines between the beers – I am sure that stuff can blur the count. And getting behind the wheel of a Mini Cooper is pure bliss trust me I know and love the car like no other. Marinqi baby I love you (private moment) the car with its 1.6 engine moves from 0 to 100 so smoothly it becomes hard to resist acceleration and a bit of show off movement, because it’s miniature form allows you to sneak into every nook and cranny. The car is a little beast and I am in love with it.

Now when you are under the influence as most of you may be familiar with, not only are you loud and think you are ok and can do stuff, but I hear that with cocaine you develop a ‘Superhero’ complex… clearly in my observation the three don’t mix – car, booze and drugs and what a way for your mom to find out you do the powder… Yikes.

Ok down to my inauspicious moment of dumbfuckness, like I said we had a little Champaign, as in a little Champaign the whole weekend – we may as well have bought a fountain. Thousand of rands down the line and a sweet Sunday Camps bay sunset later we set off to go spend more money on more useless drinking only to celebrate the huge change and love in my life. I drove, it was my car after all. Never minding the fact that my tyres needed changing as the threading had been filed down to a smooth feel I drove on those curves like I was being commissioned by the F1. I reached a messy curve, that without my glasses and hammered as I was - drove me straight to the pavement. Thank God I landed on a clear pavement with no people. Alas I had burst all four tyres , and totally realigned my car. People were alive, still drunk, but I was sober.

I drove the car to the nearest gas station, so as to leave it there, take a cab and deal with it in the morning ( I so had a party to get to – no worries right?). Some tattle tale saw me Donald ducking my car to the gas station and called the cops… wait back track did I tell you that I was moving cities so I had half my clothes in the boot of the car and as soon as I got to the gas station I took all the clothes out and handed them to homeless people. When I think back, those folks got a lot of stuff… not the point. The POPO’s came and well we tried to negotiate, I was off the hook when the cab showed up, but then Rudi (and he will read this and swear at me) Said in his angriest and drunkest voice: “Fuck the Police”. I really don’t want to remember the following details, but none the less I ended up in a cell in SEAPOINT with the biggest white Afrikaans woman I had ever seen in my life!! I was wearing a mini dress because we were starting summer and I was just a tender 23 year old. I was scared witless and Big Bird could smell it. As soon as I walked in she told me:” I R in here coz I beat up that police cop man… he tuned me kak mos and no one tunes me kak!” I stood by the entrance bars shaking and crying. At this point I am thinking: ‘Shit WTF happened and what if my parents find out? OMG this dress is new, I bought it yesterday… what if she takes my dress… it cost so much. What if my parents find out and cut me off? ‘I cried even harder. Big Bird got up and got closer and she told me to sleep by the toilet. Yes, the toilet was blocked and over flowing, there was no mattress and 1 blanket in a holding cell is really nothing.

I kept gagging, but you know how it goes I had not eaten the whole day, I just swam in Champaign. All of a sudden I was really sorry, I mean I am not illiterate I had seen all the ‘don’t drink and drive’ messages, but no it could never happen to me. Never, not to me, I was young, beautiful, educated, high LSM – hey I could do as I pleased, but I was wrong. I couldn’t, no one could. I was as guilty as the guy who stole bread, but at least he stole because he was hungry. I endangered my life and people’s lives, because I was a cool, arrogant dumbass. Those 4 hours, I froze my ass off, cried my eyes out and gagged my insides out, yet the greatest thing I did was think. I thought about what a prick like life I had been living. I was the female version of a pompous arrogant prick. I really thought I was somebody. But the disappointment that my parents would feel scared the most out of me. The people that had given me the world were going to find out that I took that world and I made it a joke by partying it away.

Finally the sun came up, the cops came in with breakfast – I could not eat, he hit on me, I ignored him and an hour later he came to fetch me to tell me my friends were there to get me. Almost Scott free just that a frenemy got hold of the story and called my brother who called my dad and my dad called the Police station… Ay. Ok No fib could get me out of that one. What I look back on and appreciate the most is that they showed me that my behavior was unacceptable and I had to sort out my own crap – no more spoilt brat. To cut a long story short, I went home, took a shower got my car towed, everyone was mad at me and many thousands of rands later I had a car with fly rims. I put it on the train, got on a flight and started a new journey in a new city.

I was very lucky, I got off super easy, I could have also driven into people, but I would have to face the consequences. My heart goes out to the Families that lost Promising young people, but we must understand that God decides when he takes and when he gives. Jub Jub and his friend had no way of knowing that. Yet, in all honesty we must admit that like me and my big mistake they made a dumb move. One dumb move could change your life forever. You know after I thought about this boys story this morning I was too afraid to touch a car. I know how it feels to have your heart sink because you can see your life disappear in front of your eyes, but you don’t die you stay alive to face your mess and what it brings with it.

So, should we judge this guy? We are human and we judge, but he is not a murderer he is a dumbass, like I was, like any of us is when we think we can skip that robot, drive up that one way but mostly when we think we can indulge in alcohol and drugs and think it is ok to drive… it isn’t. Rather stay at home and drag race on play station. And that my friend is my 2 cents.

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