Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Shit… another morning, baby get up! No I will shower after you… of course I love you but, you have to shower first… Gaawd I am tired… where are my keys? Damnit! Why did you leave the window open? Now the couch is wet!!! Ok I am leaving see you later Mcwah… I’ll get dinner, no rather let’s do something exciting tonight. What? The boys again? Agg just do what you want to do – I couldn’t care less. Where’s my kiss? Oh alright – have a nice day… it would be nice if you said it back. Sniffle sniffle…
I think he is tired, yes, tired of me but he is a man he will never say so…

(later that day)

Baby…where are my new nine-west shoes I left them here after the party last week… you know... before I went on that trip… wait, whose jersey is this? That’s not mine – it’s not my size and definitely too cheap to be my taste. But I would like to wear my shoes … where are they? I found her underwear in the bathroom… dude you can’t be serious. Are you…? I am sorry but I need to go to my mama’s house… see you around.